
Doubleheader roundup: Shiny happy people

From the women's game vs. Kentucky:
-Alex Byers of The Hatchet has the recap. Dan Greene says they're ready for Rutgers. Ross Romano urges you to be there on Sunday.
-Max Feinblatt of The Daily Colonial has the story.
-Steven Goff of The Washington Post has the recap.
-The Associated Press recap.
-School stories: GW and Kentucky.

From the men's game vs. Boston Univerity
-Andrew Alberg (a.k.a. Mr. Wonderful) of The Hatchet has the recap. Joanna Shapes says Cheyenne Moore is going to keep fighting.
-Jonathan Gaither of The Daily Colonial has the story.
-Working double duty, Steven Goff of The Washington Post has the recap.
-The Associated Press recap.
-School stories: GW and Boston University.

It was a great day for GW basketball as both squads had impressive wins over good teams.

We can now finally look ahead to the Rutgers game. I implore anyone who reads this to come out to the Smith Center on Sunday night and show your support. It's going to be an interesting test for the women's team. Over the past couple of years, McKeown has spoken of the desire to be a "giant killer" again. A win against a powerhouse program could be just what the doctor ordered for the women in a number of ways: it would surely bring more local and national attention, and perhaps draw more interest from the student body and the rest of the GW fan base.

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